Irizar to launch electric intercity bus at the FIAA


By Luke Willetts - 10th September 2024

Irizar to launch electric intercity bus at the FIAA

Irizar bus range

UK / Spain – The Irizar Group of Ormaiztegi, Spain, announced that in October at the FIAA expo in Madrid, it plans to launch its first electric intercity bus. Details on the bus specs are sparse at this point but we will be sure to update our readers once we have more details.

Closer to home, the Kent County Council (KCC) has taken delivery of the first Irizar ie tram electric bus which is set to operate on Kent’s “Fastrack service*” on its BRT line in Kent Thameside. The order for 28 of its recently launched 12-metre right-hand drive ie tram electric buses was made earlier this year. These buses will be operated by the Go-Ahead Group Ltd with Irizar subsidiary, Jema Energy SA providing the pantograph charging. The first of these buses will begin operation in November this year.

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