Leoni relocates German factory in Roth


By Luke Willetts - 15th September 2024

Leoni relocates German factory in Roth

New Leoni factory in Roth, Germany

Germany – Earlier this year cable and harnessing manufacturer, Leoni AG of Nuremberg, Germany, completed the relocation of its operations to its "Factory of the Future" in Roth, Germany. This modern facility, one of Europe's most advanced cable plants, will allow the company to significantly increase production. The Factory of the Future, located near the Main-Danube Canal, offers expanded space for operations and utilises state-of-the-art technology to support Leoni’s cable production for electric vehicles and other advanced applications​.

The move involved transferring 870 staff members and 180 pieces of machinery from their former site in Stieberstrasse, Roth, which had been in use for over 100 years. Despite the scale and complexity of the move, Leoni managed to maintain its supply chain operations without disruption. The transition also included rigorous testing and re-approval procedures to meet automotive industry standards.

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