Ballard’s FCmove-XD to make its European debut at the IAA


By Luke Willetts - 16th September 2024

Ballard’s FCmove-XD to make its European debut at the IAA

Ballard The FCmove-XD

Germany / Canada – At the 2024 IAA Transportation event this month (Sept 17-22 in Hanover Germany) Ballard Power Systems Inc, a manufacturer of fuel cell systems based in Burnaby, British Columbia, will debut (in Europe) its latest fuel cell technology, the FCmove-XD, designed specifically for heavy-duty vehicles. According to Ballard, this ninth-generation module offers class-leading power density and scalability, with power outputs ranging from 120 to 360 kW. One key feature is its modular design, which allows flexible integration based on the needs of different truck applications and payload requirements.

The FCmove-XD has been engineered for long-term durability, with a lifespan exceeding 30,000 operating hours—equivalent to over 1.6 million kms for heavy-duty trucks. It boasts a high efficiency of over 60%, a 33% reduction in total parts, and a wide operating temperature range, improving fuel consumption and reliability. Ballard also highlighted the fuel cell's compact design, making it one of the lightest and smallest in its class, which is critical for space-constrained applications like trucks.

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