Wrightbus presents fuel cell coach demonstrator at Cenex Expo 2024


By Bradley Osborne - 21st September 2024

Wrightbus presents fuel cell coach demonstrator at Cenex Expo 2024

Wrightbus hydrogen coach demonstration vehicle at Cenex Expo 2024

UK – At Cenex Expo 2024, held between 4-5 September at the Millbrook Proving Ground in England, Wrightbus Ltd of Ballymena, UK showcased a demonstration vehicle powered by a 300-kW fuel cell driveline, developed as part of a joint project to decarbonise the coach segment.

The hydrogen coach demonstrator is powered by four ‘StackPack’ 75-kW fuel cell stacks, made by Symbio in France. Following its presentation at Cenex, the vehicle will be put into “shadow service” on operator Translink’s routes in Northern Ireland to test its performance. Although it is described as a “coach”, the vehicle shown was in fact based on the single deck ‘GB Kite Hydroliner’ bus model launched in 2021. According to initial tests, the demonstrator vehicle can cover 1,000 kilometres before needing to be refuelled.

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