Euro Bus Expo 2024: Temsa UK offering higher end vehicles with “competitive” lead times following “soft reset”
By Bradley Osborne - 12th December 2024
UK – Turkish commercial vehicle manufacturer Temsa is ready to offer coaches to the British market with “competitive lead times”, following a “soft reset” of its UK operations, according to regional account manager for the UK, Ireland, and Malta, Paul Gardner, who spoke to Truck & Bus Builder at the Euro Bus Expo in Birmingham on 12 November.
Temsa showcased two diesel coaches at the show, which was held between 12-14 November at the NEC: the longer ‘HD13’ coach and the ‘MD9’ midicoach. The HD13 featured some cosmetic changes, including a new entryway and a destination info panel which was relocated from the inside to underneath the left-hand side window. These are not significant changes, but Gardner said that small alterations like these are part of Temsa’s current “kaizen”-inspired approach to continuous improvement of its existing models. He told T&BB that the HD range is six months ahead of the MD in terms of new features and technologies; successful additions are later transferred from the HD down to the MD.