Hyliion brings latest hybrid e-drive solution for CNG and diesel


By Will Hall - 20th September 2021

Hyliion brings latest hybrid e-drive solution for CNG and diesel

USA – Hyliion Holdings, based in Cedar Park, USA, has launched its Hybrid eX system that offers hybrid retrofitting to existing CNG and diesel-powered trucks. Hyliion claims the Hybrid eX system is a modular system designed to be ‘brand and engine agnostic’, enabling compatibility with most OEM chassis.

Instead of utilising plug-in electric power, the Hybrid eX system is powered through regenerative KERS that charges the onboard proprietary battery during braking or downhill driving. When the truck is accelerating or driving uphill, the regained energy is then distributed to the electric motor within the rear axle to reduce the load on the engine, therefore decreasing fuel consumption and emissions.

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