Hyundai and Iveco unveil fuel-cell e-Daily at IAA


By Will Pulson - 14th October 2022

Hyundai and Iveco unveil fuel-cell e-Daily at IAA

Hyundai & Iveco launch HFC e-Daily prototype

South Korea / Italy - Hyundai Motor Company of Seoul, South Korea, and Iveco Group of Turin, Italy jointly unveiled a new hydrogen fuel-cell (FCEV) commercial vehicle prototype at the IAA Transportation exhibition held in Hannover in September.

At the IAA they unveiled a 7.2 ton gvw Iveco e-Daily truck prototype, fitted with Hyundai’s 90kW hydrogen fuel cell system and a 140kW electric motor. Six tanks offer a combined storage capacity of 12 kg of hydrogen, giving the truck a range of 350 km. It has a maximum payload of 3 tons and a refuelling time of up to 15 minutes. The battery pack is supplied by Iveco Group’s FPT Industrial division.

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