Hyliion unveils fuel-agnostic hybrid demonstrator truck at ACT Expo
By Bradley Osborne - 25th May 2023

The Hypertruck Karno by Hyliion
USA – At the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in Anaheim, California, held between 1-4 May 2023, Hyliion Holdings Corp of Cedar Park, Texas unveiled a Class 8 demonstration vehicle based on the ‘Hypertruck ERX’ hybrid powertrain and installed with a fuel-agnostic generator which can take over twenty different inputs, including hydrogen.
The Hypertruck ERX is a series hybrid vehicle which takes natural gas to power a generator, which in turn charges the batteries. Electrical power exclusively from the batteries is used to power the motor.1 Using renewable natural gas from waste feedstocks, Hyliion claims that the operator can achieve a net-carbon-negative impact (that is to say, carbon from waste is being “recycled” as a fuel).