Daimler delivers the first Mercedes-Benz eCitaro G fuel cell bus


By Luke Willetts - 5th January 2024

Daimler delivers the first Mercedes-Benz eCitaro G fuel cell bus

Mercedes-Benz eCitaro G fuel cell bus

Germany – Daimler Truck AG of Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Baden-Württemberg has delivered its first Mercedes-Benz eCitaro articulated 18m electric bus with a Toyota fuel cell range extender*, to German public transport operator Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH, which will operate throughout the cities of Mannheim and Heidelberg in 2024. The first three of forty-six were delivered late last month at a private ceremony. The bus originally debuted at the UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Barcelona in June 2023. Daimler announced that the first orders came in as early as October 2022.

The eCitaro fuel cell utilises a battery-electric drive system with high-performance NMC3 batteries while the fuel cell acts as a hydrogen generator to extend the range. With a range of 400km on a single charge, the articulated version offers space for 128 passengers.

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