Plus launches AI perception software for OEM and Tier-1 ADAS and self-driving technologies


By Bradley Osborne - 24th May 2024

Plus launches AI perception software for OEM and Tier-1 ADAS and self-driving technologies

Promotional image for PlusVision

USAPlus of Santa Clara, California has launched ‘PlusVision’, which is its latest perception software for a range of autonomous technologies, from advanced driver assistance systems to self-driving vehicles.

PlusVision is the software that Plus uses to enable CVs installed with its vehicle autonomy systems (SAE Level 0-4) to “see” the road ahead and any other road users around them. Using artificial intelligence, PlusVision processes data from various inputs (sensors, cameras, lidar, etc.) to generate images of the vehicle’s surroundings and identify potential risks in real time.

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