Plus launches software for active collision mitigation


By Bradley Osborne - 10th June 2024

Plus launches software for active collision mitigation

Promotional image for PlusProtect

USAPlus of Santa Clara, California has launched a new software package which it says will enable OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to develop active systems for collision mitigation in heavy-duty vehicles.

Called ‘PlusProtect’, the new software uses automatic emergency braking to help the driver avoid collisions with other road users and obstacles. Combining artificial intelligence with data from cameras and radars, PlusProtect can perceive objects more than 650 feet (200 metres) ahead and react to risks independently of the driver. It combines this with other features such as lane departure warning, traffic jam assist, and predictive fuel optimisation. According to Plus, the software provides “full situational awareness”, identifying risks in adjacent lanes as well as in the vehicle’s current lane.

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