Volvo to begin customer pilots of hydrogen combustion truck in 2026


By Bradley Osborne - 13th June 2024

Volvo to begin customer pilots of hydrogen combustion truck in 2026

Computer-generated image of hydrogen combustion truck by Volvo-Westport JV

Sweden / CanadaVolvo Trucks Corporation of Gothenburg, Sweden has announced that it will begin customer pilots of trucks powered by hydrogen combustion in 2026, using technology produced through a joint venture with Westport Fuel Systems Inc of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Following the launch of trials with customers in 2026, Volvo aims to make its hydrogen engine trucks commercially available by the end of the decade. These trucks will be considered “zero emission” under EU regulations – although they emit a small amount of CO2 and NOx – and Volvo intends for them to complement its electric and biogas/HVO offerings.

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