Quantron opens hydrogen fuel station near headquarters in Bavaria


By Bradley Osborne - 1st July 2024

Quantron opens hydrogen fuel station near headquarters in Bavaria

Quantron vehicles refuelling at new station in Gertshofen, Bavaria

Germany Quantron AG, a retrofit firm based in Gersthofen, Bavaria, has announced the opening of a new hydrogen fuel station for trucks on 17 June near its headquarters, built by Tyczka Hydrogen GmbH of Geretsried.

The new fuel station is designed to specifically accommodate long distance hydrogen trucks, such as the fuel cell trucks which are produced by Quantron. While fuel cell cars typically carry a relatively small amount of hydrogen (between five and six kilograms), fuel cell trucks can carry as much as fifty-four kilograms, stored at 700 bar pressure. Quantron says the new fuel station will supply up to 500 kilograms of green hydrogen per day – enough to refuel ten to fifteen heavy commercial vehicles – stored at pressure levels of 350 and 700 bar.

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