Brazilian truck market expands 8.0% in January to June 2024


By Jose Secco - 7th August 2024

Brazil - Truck sales in Brazil from January to June totalled 56,767 units, an increase of 8% over the first half of last year, when 52,547 units were registered. In June, sales totaled 10,000 units, an increase of 26.6% compared with the same month last year and an increase of 4.6% compared with last May.

According to Márcio de Lima Leite, president of Anfavea (National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers in Brazil) based in São Paulo the daily average last month was 500 units/day, the best in 2024. But following this statement the president remarked that this growth recorded so far was not yet a reason to over celebrate because it occurred from a low base in 2023.

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