GreenPower delivers its first Beast electric school bus produced at new West Virginia factory


By Luke Willetts - 23rd August 2024

GreenPower delivers its first Beast electric school bus produced at new West Virginia factory

Beast bus for Kanawha County schools district

USA / Canada – Electric-powered medium and heavy-duty vehicle manufacturer, GreenPower Motor Company Inc, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has delivered the first Beast electric school bus manufactured at its new facility in Charleston, West Virginia, USA. The Type D BEAST electric school bus was delivered to the Kanawha County school district in West Virginia, with 37 more to be delivered by the end of the year. The company is looking to capitalise on the growing electric school bus market as school districts look to replace old diesel ICE legacy vehicles with new zero-emission (BEV) vehicles.

Wendell White, GreenPower’s vice president of Production said:

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