New Flyer of America to offer hybrid buses with new BAE powertrain from model year 2025


By Bradley Osborne - 29th August 2024

New Flyer of America to offer hybrid buses with new BAE powertrain from model year 2025

New Flyer Xcelsior Hybrid with new BAE powertrain

USANew Flyer of America Inc, a subsidiary of the NFI Group based in Crookston, Minnesota, has announced that it will offer its hybrid electric buses with traction motors and power control systems supplied by BAE Systems Inc of Endicott, New York from model year 2025 onwards.

New Flyer’s ‘Xcelsior Hybrid’ will be offered with a new BAE powertrain, adding a ‘GPM’ direct drive motor and a ‘Modular Power Control System’ (MPCS), alongside other components which were in previous models. The MPCS combines certain electronic control functions in a single box, managing the traction motor and allowing for the addition of modules for energy storage and charging. New Flyer says that the “reduced number of components, cables, and connections in the MPCS” will provide “more reliability, more efficiency, and a better total cost of ownership over the life of the bus”.

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