The European eActros 600 European tour is complete


By Luke Willetts - 30th August 2024

The European eActros 600 European tour is complete

Two eActros 600 prototype vehicles

Germany – Having travelled 15,000 kilometres through 22 European countries over 45 days, the two prototype Mercedes Benz eActros 600 long-haul battery-electric trucks have returned to Wörth am Rhein after a successful tour, according to Daimler Truck AG of Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Baden-Württemberg. The 40-tone-gross combination weight trucks exclusively used public charging points. With series production expected in Q4 2024, the company plans to publish the results from the tour at its press conference at the IAA Transportation event in Hanover in September (17 – 22).

The tour started out in Frankfurt and travelled through Germany, Denmark and then Sweden before heading through Norway and finally back to Germany via Portugal, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This helped test the trucks in various climate conditions and topographies with an eye on energy consumption and battery performance.

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