Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contracts awarded to Nikola, REE, and Workhorse


By Bradley Osborne - 12th September 2024

USANikola, REE Automotive, and Workhorse separately announced that they have been awarded Sourcewell contracts, meaning that their Class 4-8 electric vehicles are now available to order by U.S. governmental and educational bodies looking to make cooperative vehicle purchases.

Nikola and Workhorse have signed contracts to directly supply their vehicles: respectively, Nikola’s Class 8 battery electric and fuel cell electric trucks; and Workhorse’s Class 4-6 work trucks and step vans and its Class 4 cab chassis. REE Automotive Class 4 electric vehicle platform will be made available through a contract signed by vehicle vendor National Auto Fleet Group. The contracts will expire on 9 July 2028.

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