LCV truck market dips 5% in first half of the year


By Jim Gibbins - 4th December 2024

India- Sales of LCV goods carrier (truck) vehicles with a GVW ≤ 7.5t decreased 5.8% to 249,584 units in the first half of FY 2024/25 from 265,043 units in the same period of FY 2023/24. Production decreased by 8.7%, while exports saw sales improve by 8.6%.

In the lightest segment (GVW ≤ 2t), sales declined by 12.1%, falling to 74,132 units in the first half of FY 2024/25 from 84,297 units in the first half of FY 2023/24. Production in this segment decreased by 14.3%, and export sales fell sharply by 36.5%.

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