Hess to take over Van Hool trolleybus order


By Luke Willetts - 15th December 2024

Hess to take over Van Hool trolleybus order

Hess LighTram 25

France / Switzerland Carrosserie HESS AG, based in Bellach, Switzerland, is to take over the production of 56 bi-articulated electric buses (trolleybuses) for Paris, originally commissioned to Van Hool before its bankruptcy earlier this year. These buses are part of the Exqui.City 24 series, which are intended for use on the T Zen 4 and T Zen 5 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines in the Paris metropolitan area. Hess was selected due to its expertise in manufacturing similar vehicles, particularly double-articulated trolleybuses. The 24-metre buses are designed to carry 140 passengers each. Delivery is set for 2025.

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