Euro Bus Expo 2024: Masats showcases new bus door and ramp


By Bradley Osborne - 16th December 2024

Euro Bus Expo 2024: Masats showcases new bus door and ramp

New telescopic ramp by Masats

UKMasats SA, a subsidiary of Irizar based in Barcelona, Spain, presented a new telescopic ramp and electric in-swinging door for buses at Euro Bus Expo 2024, held between 12-14 November at the NEC in Birmingham, England.

The ‘RT1b’ is a new entry ramp which was earlier shown at the FIAA in Madrid and the Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition. Accommodating a maximum weight of 300kg, the telescopic ramp can be specified with a width of up to one metre. A spokesman told T&BB that the wider ramp was developed due to customer requests.

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