Mitsubishi Fuso trials Autonomous Intelligent Tugger (AIT) in Kawasaki factory


By Luke Willetts - 13th December 2022

Mitsubishi Fuso trials Autonomous Intelligent Tugger (AIT) in Kawasaki factory

Mitsubishi Fuso's Autonomous Tugger

Japan / FranceMitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (Fuso), based in Kawasaki City in Japan’s Kanagawa prefecture, has conducted testing of an Autonomous Intelligent Tugger (AIT) designed for delivering vehicle components in its Kawasaki plant. The “TractEasy” autonomous software was provided by EasyMile SAS, of Toulouse France, utilising a range of sensors and cameras with real-time processing for autonomous hauling designed to automate the manufacturing process making it more efficient.

Capable of hauling some 25 tons of engine components, the vehicle was tested along a 900-metre route between the engine manufacturing section of the factory and the vehicle assembly lines to see whether it could manoeuvre safely in accordance with predetermined routes without production delays, causing hazards or incurring collisions with objects or factory workers. No further information has yet been released on the outcome of the trial.

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