Tata Motors inaugurates fourth vehicle recycling facility in Chandigarh
By RACE Innovations Pvt Ltd - 5th March 2024

Tata Motors' latest Re.Wi.Re. facility operated partner Dada Trading
India – Truck and bus builder, Tata Motors Ltd of Mumbai, has opened its latest Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF) in Chandigarh, its fourth such vehicle recycling facility, which it has branded, Recycle With Respect (Re.Wi.Re)1. The new facility operates and complies with the standards set out by the government under its vehicle scrapping policy - Voluntary Vehicle Fleet Modernization Program (V-VMP), which took effect in April 2022.
The company’s three other Re.Wi.Re registered vehicle scrapping facilities are in Jaipur, Bhubaneshwar and Surat.