ACT Expo 2024: Nikola announces 100-unit order for fuel cell electric trucks


By Bradley Osborne - 20th June 2024

ACT Expo 2024: Nikola announces 100-unit order for fuel cell electric trucks

Nikola Tre FCEV in AiLO livery parked outside the Las Vegas Convention Center

USA – At Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo 2024, held between 20-23 May at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Nikola Corporation of Phoenix, Arizona announced a 100-unit order for its fuel cell electric trucks from AiLO Logistics of Compton, California.

The Nikola ‘Tre FCEV’ trucks will serve AiLO in drayage operations in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Ordered through Tom’s Truck Centers, the 100 vehicles will be delivered next year. This latest order from AiLO follows a 50-unit order which it made under its old name of ‘AJR Trucking’. Nikola reports that it has commenced deliveries of trucks from the first order.

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