Hyvia enters partnership with ride hailing firm for supplying hydrogen vans and fuel


By Bradley Osborne - 1st July 2024

Hyvia enters partnership with ride hailing firm for supplying hydrogen vans and fuel

Hyvia fuel cell electric van with Hype livery

FranceHyvia, a joint venture between Renault Group and Plug Power based in Villiers-Saint-Frédéric, France, has announced a strategic partnership with Paris-based ride hailing company, Hype, agreeing to supply hydrogen fuel, infrastructure, and vans to Hype beginning this year.

Hyvia has agreed to supply green hydrogen to Hype from its 1 MW electrolyser at the Renault factory in Flins, which was installed in April. Moreover, it will install two hydrogen fuel stations for Hype by the end of this year. One of these will go into service this summer at Hype’s site in Buc, located in the Île-de-France.

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