Leoni extends the contracts of senior management to ensure continuity


By Luke Willetts - 7th September 2024

Leoni extends the contracts of senior management to ensure continuity

Klaus Rinnerberger, CEO of Leoni

GermanyKlaus Rinnerberger's contract as CEO of cable and harnessing manufacturer, Leoni AG of Nuremberg, Germany has been extended until the end of 2027. This decision ensures continuity at the top of the company, as Leoni works on its financial recovery following a restructuring in 2023. Additionally, the contract of COO Ingo Spengler was extended until the same date, while CFO Dr. Harald Nippel will continue his role until April 2026.

As part of an effort to streamline operations, the executive board will be reduced from four to three members. Dr. Ursula Biernert, who served as CHRO and Labour Director, has left the company. Her responsibilities will be shared between Rinnerberger and Nippel, with Rinnerberger assuming oversight of HR.

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